Uplift Your Life: Nourishment Of The Spirit

Self Empowerment is the Path to Healing



Self-empowerment is a challenge for almost all of us. We have so many voices telling us what we can and can't do and should and shouldn't be that it's hard to hear our own voice and to trust that it's truly ours. And that creates its own set of fears: will I be safe if I express my true self; will I be liked; will I make enough money; will I lose important relationships; will I be judged and criticized? Living a false life, putting on a happy face and pretending, often to ourselves, that all is well can lead to significant problems, including addictions, eating disorders, abuse, depression, anxiety and/or co-dependency. Actually, allowing ourselves to dance to the drummer we hear is the only safe and fulfilling way to live a life. It is also the pathway to healing from all of these conditions. We do not have to be ruled by our past. Join us this Thursday to learn how to truly heal from all of these societal plagues as we find and listen to our own voice.