Uplift Your Life: Nourishment Of The Spirit

No prescription drugs and only 1 pill a day!



I found Lewis Cone by overhearing someone say: a virus that causes acid reflux can be undetectable with traditional medical testing. Since I don't like taking medication, especially on an on-going basis, I was treating my acid reflux with acupuncture and by paying attention to which foods I was eating and my stress levels. This worked for a number of years, but then nothing seemed to help. Since I believe in synchronicity and in kinesiology, I decided to try Dr. Cone. I was so impressed that I continued to see him with other on-going problems. After less than 2 years of tackling problems, one at a time, I am in the best health I have ever been. I can't remember when I was sick last, and I used to be sick a few times a year. Furthermore, I used to take several herbs every day, costing me about $200 per month and much inconvenience. I now take 1 pill a day, and it isn't a multivitamin. Join us Thursday to learn about this amazing process from the man I recommend to friends and clients.