Uplift Your Life: Nourishment Of The Spirit

True Leadership: We All Matter



In 1993 Sergeant Keni Thomas was deployed to Mogadishu, Somalia with the 3rd Ranger Battalion as part of an elite special operations. The mission was to find and capture a criminal warlord named Mohammed Farrah Aideed. Keni and his fellow rangers distinguished themselves in an 18-hour fire-fight that was recounted in the highly successful book and movie, “Blackhawk Down”. 19 Americans gave their lives and 78 were wounded in the worst urban combat seen by US troops since WWII. Drawing from his experiences on the battlefield, Keni inspires people to achieve greatness by stressing the importance of outstanding leadership at every level, even if the only person you are leading is yourself. His message of Train as you fight - Fight as you train and Lead By Example epitomizes the Ranger motto “Rangers Lead the Way!” He believes Leadership has never been about the rank or the position you hold. It’s about the example you set. Please join us Thursday to hear a courageous and wise leader.