Uplift Your Life: Nourishment Of The Spirit

Treating the Whole Person: Mind, Body and Spirit



When was the last time your doctor asked you questions about your emotions, thoughts, beliefs, energy and joy? And I'm not talking about your psychiatrist. Because of my work in the field of healing from abuse, I have become knowledgeable about the influence that emotional well-being has on physical health. Yet, counselors and doctors do not talk with each other about the patients they share. I actually asked a number of medical doctors about whether they have ever thought about consulting with their clients' counselors. Even those who understood the importance of doing this, said that it was impossible because the time involved would cut into their income. Wow! Don't doctors take some kind of oath about healing their patients?! When did protecting your income become more important than saving lives? Join us Thursday when we talk with a medical doctor who values their patients' health enough to treat them as whole beings and not just body parts.