Uplift Your Life: Nourishment Of The Spirit

Stress Be Gone



According to Deepak Chopra, recent research shows that an unhealthy lifestyle (which includes lack of exercise, stress, and a poor diet) is responsible for 90% of chronic illnesses. Furthermore, only 5% of disease is unavoidable due to a gene present from birth. Of all of the lifestyle indicators, stress is the one that turns up consistently as causing from 75-90% of diseases. That we live in stressful times is no great surprise, but what do we do about it? We do have control of our health. We can choose to allow the stress to wreak havoc in our bodies and our lives or we can do something about it. Last week, Dawon Washington emphasized that the soul is composed of color, tone and vibration. By moving energy through the body, we can heal and transform. Through our Limitless Self, we can prevent illness and even reverse it. Reflexology is one way to move energy through our bodies, releasing stress and creating balance. Join us Thursday to learn how to take charge of your health.