Uplift Your Life: Nourishment Of The Spirit

Yoga Can Help Me What? You Can Actually Change Your Thinking through Yoga



It's time to widen the definition of abuse. Recently there have been some glaring examples of abuse in the news: Donald Sterling's cruel words to his girlfriend, the unconscionable kidnapping of 200 young girls and 40 deaths of veterans due to corruption at the Phoenix VA.These deserve our outrage as does veterans suffering from PTSD. What doesn't get media attention is how we hurt ourselves on a daily basis. In the interview with Barbara Walters marking the end of her career, she talked about having the woulda, coulda, shoulda syndrome. When someone of her stature and worldwide acclaim comments on constantly being bombarded by thoughts of doing it wrong, it's a sign that we must address and heal what goes on in our minds and put an end to continually abusing ourselves. It's bad enough that other people do it to us. We have to stop doing it to ourselves. Research confirms that 90% of our self-talk is negative. Join us Thursday to discover how yoga can help you change your thinking