Uplift Your Life: Nourishment Of The Spirit

Yes, You Can Be Free: Overcoming Abuse Through Self-Empowerment



At least 1/3 of the population has been in an abusive relationship at some point. Emotional and psychological abuse often go undetected and under-reported, which means that 1/3 is probably a low estimate. These relationships can destroy the mind, body and spirit. Most suffer in silence, not knowing what is happening or what to do. Emotional abuse accompanies all forms of abuse and surprisingly is the most devastating. Physical wounds can be seen and treated in a way that emotional wounds cannot. Childhood sexual abuse, especially in young boys is probably the most invisible. Oprah was instrumental in bringing a lot of this information out of the shadows and into people's awareness. We need to keep the conversation going until we completely eradicate abuse. The emotional scars can run deep, yet healing and a life well-lived is possible. The path is through self-empowerment. Join us Thursday for information that we all need and an inspirational personal story of healing.