Uplift Your Life: Nourishment Of The Spirit

The Amazing Power of Sound



Divine planning is always better than anything I could have devised on my own. Imara's appearance on our show in April is part of that perfection. To my surprise, it turns out that this month is a particularly powerful time for using sound to heal our mind, emotions, body and spirit. And Imara is a master at using crystal bowls and sound for doing just that. I also love the synchronicity of her following two guests who talked about healing from devastating illnesses and transitioning from this life. Music is a very important tool for facilitating these processes. We've all heard about the studies proving that listening to Mozart before taking college exams significantly improves students' scores. What we aren't as familiar with is how music can help us relax, sleep, overcome depression, energize us, heal us physically and so much more. Join us Thursday and learn from an expert how to take advantage of the extra energy in the Universe this month to harness the amazing power of sound.