Uplift Your Life: Nourishment Of The Spirit

Laughter Made Easy



Yes, laughter heals, but do we want to wait for a disaster before we learn how to laugh? Knowing how to laugh at herself, her experiences and her life circumstances seems to come naturally to Suzie Humphreys. She has experienced what would have pushed many of us into a downhill slide. Instead, she has the wisdom to see the humor, forgive, learn and move forward to the next great adventure in her life. As she told me, If the past was so bad, why do we want to keep revisiting it? And indeed, why would we? Yet, we often find ourselves bemoaning what happened to us. We retell the sad story so many times, that it becomes our past, present and future. Suzie knows how to turn the channel, to change the story, to see life from a different perspective; a perspective that brings insight, wisdom, gratitude, good health and joy. She sees how her life has taught her to stand up for herself and she can help you see the lessons and beauty in your life. Join us Thursday for laughter made easy.