John Tapp Racing

Episode 465: Angela Davies



The Gosford racing precinct has never had a better ambassador than Angela Davies. The amiable trainer was born and reared in a cottage opposite the racecourse float entrance and hasn’t strayed far since. This is the story of a young girl who was pestering local trainers at five or six years of age, and has never wanted to do anything else but train racehorses.  Angela had just returned from the Randwick trials when we called, and was pretty excited about one of her twelve horse team. She talks fondly of Our Kobison with whom she’s won five recent races. The story behind this talented four year old is an inspiration to racing’s smaller players. Angela takes us back to childhood days when she’d be out of bed in the dark to watch Gosford trackwork. Mum had one firm rule before she’d allow her daughter to leave the house. She talks about her father Bruce, a former on course bookie who found an alternative way to service customers. Bruce vehemently discouraged her from becoming a jockey. Angela reflects on the day