Evidence Based Birth®

EBB 305 - A High-Risk Pregnancy and Miraculous Birth with Krista and John DeYoung, EBB Childbirth Class Graduates



You're going to love this family-centered birth story with Dr. Dekker's brother John DeYoung and his wife Krista DeYoung! On today's episode, Krista and John (who are graduates of the EBB Childbirth Class with EBB Instructor Chanté Perryman) get vulnerable and open up about their complex pregnancy and son Eli's miraculous birth story. In addition to facing a pregnancy with a prior diagnosis of Crohn's disease, they also had to cope with lockdowns during the pandemic, genetic concerns including an initial diagnosis of triploidy, a HUGE and abnormally low-functioning placenta, potential growth restriction, a 39-week induction, and placental retention that led to abnormal postpartum bleeding. In addition to being inspired by John and Krista's unique story, you will also learn about the emotional rollercoaster of confronting a fatal genetic diagnosis that turns out to be a false positive. You will also hear from John about how active participating in childbirth and parenting has been an incredibly healing proc