Career Revolution With Dr. Ck Bray | A Place To Fix, Change Or Create Your Best Career

Episode 520 Take Your Brain to Work: Part 3



In this podcast episode, Dr. CK Bray discusses the phenomenon of "Zoom fatigue" and its impact on our brains. ​ He explains that the visual nature of video conferences taxes our brain's resources, as almost half of our brain is devoted to processing visual information. ​ Additionally, the constant staring at screens and prolonged eye contact during video chats can be uncomfortable and lead to misunderstandings. ​ Dr. Bray offers suggestions to combat Zoom fatigue, such as incorporating regular phone calls instead of video conferences, modifying on-camera air time, and improving social dynamics within video conferences. ​ He also emphasizes the importance of taking regular breaks and changing environments to reset our brains. If you want more information, Dr. Bray highly recommends “Brain Rules for Work: The Science of Thinking Smarter in the Home and in the Office.” By John Medina QUOTES BY DR. BRAY “Video meetings are an energy suck. Sprinkle in some phone calls!” “When you’re giving feedback, make sure you’