Conversation Street

Conversation Street Episode 620



In this week's podcast, we chat about what went on in Corrie between the 18th and the 22nd March (Episodes #11,216 - 11,221). This was another week where Roy's story got a heck of a lot of screen time, and that's certainly something we won't be complaining about as David Neilson continues to knock out of the park with  his performance as the wrongly accused cafe owner. It doesn't feel like the reveal of where Lauren actually is is coming any time soon, but we're happy to be steeped in the mystery of it for now! Also this week, we've got the long-awaited return of the Paul story, and as his voice starts to deteriorate, we ponder whether Billy was right to keep it from him - and also whether now's the right time for Summer to be going to Boston! There's also a return to the cobbles for Violet, a delve into Cassie's past and another appearance from the mysterious Rowan - all in all, a pretty good week, we thought! With the tabloids rumour mill churning out stories about the 'chaos at Corrie' that's been caused b