Hayek Program Podcast

"Living Better Together" — On Women and the Family



On this episode of the Hayek Program Podcast, we kickoff the Living Better Together miniseries, featuring select authors of Living Better Together: Social Relations and Economic Governance in the Work of Ostrom and Zelizer (Palgrave Macmillan, 2023) and hosted by its coeditor, Stefanie Haeffele.Joining us today are Bri Wolf and Jayme Lemke. Starting the discussion, they reflect on their path to joining the book project and elaborate on the insights they provide in their chapters. Together, they explore how Ostrom and Zelizer's approaches illuminate the complex relationships between societal norms, family dynamics, and broader social systems, advocating for a multidisciplinary and global perspective on these themes.Bri Wolf is an Assistant Professor of Political Theory at James Madison College at Michigan State University. She is an alum of the Mercatus Adam Smith Fellowship. Learn more about her experience as a fellow here, and check out her chapter, "Bringing the Family Back In: Political Economy and the Fam