Rune Soup

Kate Middleton, Willy Wonka and the Spice Memes of Arrakis | World Without Sin



This week's episode is an installment in the long-running World Without Sin series, examining how we respond to monolithic media and how not every outsider is a plucky freedom fighter. We also look at how and why it might be that all forms of expression are collapsing into a meme singularity and what this might have to do with the jester archetype. After that there is a life update and a travel magic story. And then -on the video version only- we have a Q&A where we speculate on the whereabouts of Kate Middleton, what's really going on with Boeing, healing from trauma patterns and G. K. Chesterton. Also, I promised I'd share some of the memes that were hard to convey in audio format, but instead, I am just sharing a link to the presentation from the livestream. It's all here if you're interested. The show notes are just some other things that are coming up or going on, because why not? Peter Grey's talk at Occulture Berlin 2023: Atomic Gods: Magick beyond the nuclear horizon. J. F. Martel of Weird