Critical Conversations

#054: The Biggest Changes to Make for Gut Health, Leaky Gut, IBS, SIBO, & Bloating



Are you majoring in the minors when it comes to your gut health? Many social media trends will not have the impact on your gut health or help with bloating that you hope they will. They have minor benefits - and you need major benefits to heal!  This conversation aims to demystify the convoluted world of gut health, moving beyond the fleeting trends and minuscule details that often distract from the bigger picture.  We're putting the spotlight back on easily overlooked basics that can change everything. They are free and everyone can do them. You walk away with a new understanding of the pillars of gut health maintenance that can change everything for most commonly discussed gut conditions such as leaky gut, IBS, SIBO, Candia overgrowth, bloating, constipation, and more. With a practical and evidence-based approach, we're not only sheding light on the myths surrounding gut health, but also equiping you with the knowledge to apply effective measures proactively to feel good again. If you haven’t already – he