Chelsea Fancast

‘The Big Push’ Chelsea FanCast #1121



Stamford Chidge is joined by Tony Glover and historians Alex Churchill, Jonny Dyer and Andrew Holmes to discuss the Chelsea FanCast WW1 Battlefield Tour this summer.We kick off with some Chelsea chat in terms of where Chelsea is at currently and what would a good season look like.In part two we talk about the forthcoming trip to the Sommes and Ypres this summer, looking at the battlefields of the Sommes and key cemetaries such as Delville Wood and the Footballers memorial, the Guillemont Road Cemetery, Arras, Vimy & the exploding sheep, the Battle of the Boars Head and Thiepval.In part three we look at the battlefields and cemetaries relating to Ypres such as Hill 60, Hooge, Langemark, Tyne Cot and Menin Gate.This trip is not just about history, battlefields and cemetaries. There's plenty of fun to be had with good, friendly people, great food and Belgian Beer, as we discuss during the show!If you want to join us on tour this June (21st-24th) then visit