Mark Levin Audio Rewind

Mark Levin Audio Rewind - 3/12/24



On Tuesday’s Mark Levin Show, special counsel Robert Hur’s report concludes that President Biden repeatedly violated the Espionage Act as a senator, vice president, and a private citizen, but no charges were brought because he's an imbecile. The difficulty for the Biden cultists in the media is that the fact of Biden's imbecility prevented his indictment, but that imbecility should disqualify him from serving as president. This is why people talk about a double standard of justice between Biden and Donald Trump and his documents case. A Washington D.C. judge and jury would never convict Biden, but the same court cannot wait to throw Trump in jail because there is no equal justice under the Biden Administration. Also, there are endless efforts to smear and character-assassinate Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, who is a modern-day Winston Churchill. What the Biden Administration has been trying to do is destroy the Netanyahu coalition in the Israeli government and remove him from power. Democrats are