Mark Levin Audio Rewind

Mark Levin Audio Rewind - 3/8/24



On Friday’s Mark Levin Show, President Biden gave the dumbest, most pathetic, lie-filled State of the Union speeches ever because he is the biggest ignoramus to occupy the Oval Office. Biden and the liberal Marxists behind him think law-abiding, taxpaying American citizens are the problem. It is the trick of the American Marxist to steal our liberty and our money and shift blame when inflation goes up and the people suffer. Also, Biden does not support Israel and only provides them with enough support to keep up appearances. Before he would say things publicly and stab Israel in the back, but now Biden is stabbing them in the front by supporting the river-to-the-sea crowd. He has provided more money to Iran than he has to Ukraine, and Iran is funding the terror attacks in Israel and the Middle East. The media today are like the media of the 1930s and 1940s during the rise of Hitler, and none of the cable networks or newspapers mention the heightened anti-Semitism in America today. Later, Mark is joined by Kar