Mark Levin Audio Rewind

Mark Levin Audio Rewind - 1/25/24



On Thursday’s Mark Levin Show, five Justices of the Supreme Court, specifically Chief Justice John Roberts and Amy Coney Barrett, voted against securing the border and enforcing immigration, allowing President Biden to continue to obliterate our immigration system and our border. We have the highest amount of slavery since the Civil War occurring in America right now thanks to an open border allowing cartels to operate. Biden does not have the power to defy federal law, which is why his disregard for our country’s immigration law should be his first article of impeachment. The Roberts Supreme Court will be looked upon as the court that upheld slavery on our southern border by giving a seal of approval to the federal government to prevent Texas from protecting its own border. Also, Mark speaks with reporter Julie Kelly about the Donald Trump case in Georgia and the soap opera of Georgia DA Fani Willis and her alleged lover. There have been multiple written communications between Willis, her lover, and the Whit