Mark Levin Audio Rewind

Mark Levin Audio Rewind - 1/22/24



On Monday’s Mark Levin Show, our country is dying not because of our constitution or governmental system, but because it is being purposefully destroyed by the elite ruling class establishment in Washington D.C. The American people need a leader and a statesman who is going to bring this country back, and it is not Nikki Haley, who is relying on the left and their billionaires for votes. There were two good Conservatives in the race until Ron DeSantis suspended his campaign, leaving only Donald Trump. Haley has nothing to offer America, and if Conservatives cannot nominate and elect a strong leader, we will lose this country. Also, the Supreme Court ruled in a 5-4 decision without explanation that the federal government can cut the state of Texas’ border protection and cut their razor wire. John Roberts is a chameleon and Amy Coney Barrett has become a disappointment who can't think for herself. The issue isn’t about federal authority or policies about enforcing existing immigration law but about the federal