Mark Levin Audio Rewind

Mark Levin Audio Rewind - 1/17/24



On Wednesday’s Mark Levin Show, Democrats are trying to control Israel by taking down PM Benjamin Netanyahu through leaks to the media and working behind the scenes with individuals in Israel to betray Netanyahu. The left is doing the bidding of Hamas and Senators like Bernie Sanders while Iran works towards acquiring a nuclear weapon. The Islamists in our country populate our schools, our media, and the Democrat party, and we have never seen as much pressure put on Israel as we have now. We have an administration that is hell-bent on destroying the state of Israel while giving our enemies billions of dollars to attack us and Israel. None of this was happening under President Trump, and there is chaos and war in the Middle East now under Biden, Blinken, and Obama. Also, The Biden Department of Justice is suing Texas for defending its border from illegal immigrants, and they are blaming them for the death of three migrants. The Biden Administration is blaming the Republican party and Trump just for enforcing t