Mark Levin Audio Rewind

Mark Levin Audio Rewind - 1/12/24



On Friday’s Mark Levin Show, President Donald Trump joins Mark to discuss the disinformation from the Democrat party and press, who paint Trump as a dictator while President Biden defies the Supreme Court and has our borders wide open. Iran was broke after the Trump administration which meant they had no money to fund terrorist groups like Hamas and Hezbollah, but now Iran has billions from Biden removing sanctions. The Democrat Marxist ideology seeks to change the American people into dispirited, tentative, and compliant citizens who are subservient to the government. In truth, the Democrat party and their surrogates seek a despotic government. Nobody with any objectivity would hire Joe Biden for anything, but Biden is being pushed by a corrupt Democrat media and billionaire donors trying to destroy our constitutional republic. Also, Iran is on the brink of having a nuclear weapon and we have quislings like Biden and Antony Blinken who seem to think that we ought not to defend ourselves and the bad guys will