Mark Levin Audio Rewind

Mark Levin Audio Rewind - 1/3/24



On Wednesday’s Mark Levin Show, Harvard's millionaire serial plagiarist and moral reprobate Claudine Gay has become a media, civil rights, and Democrat Party hero overnight, not because she's a victim but because she got to be president of Harvard by means of the American Marxist agenda. The same people defending Gay are among the most vicious, hateful, and vile figures smearing Clarence Thomas or any conservative minority. The American Marxists own our colleges and universities, and they want no oversight, no transparency, and no real academic freedom and free speech on these campuses because they are the Marxist indoctrination mills of the Democrat Party. Gay is the quintessential result of the ideological advancement of the left. Also, Democrats want the 2024 presidential election between Donald Trump and Joe Biden to be Adolf Hitler versus George Washington. Biden will do or say anything for power and it is repulsive, and will run a campaign of lies against Trump. Biden hates America and Democracy, which