Mark Levin Audio Rewind

Mark Levin Audio Rewind - 12/6/23



On Wednesday’s Mark Levin Show, the Democrat Party is not your typical political party - it’s a wrecking ball. They are an alien force in a free country that seeks to destroy our history, our constitution, the economic system, and the educational system. In order to advance their cause they have to lie, all autocrats have to lie and they have to change the language. The American media today is in full propaganda mode trying to protect President Biden and the Democrat party. They are mouthpieces for a centralized Marxist state. The purpose of the media today is not to convey information to you in an objective way, their purpose is to ram a narrative down your throat. They have a long history of trashing Republicans - Ronald Reagan, Richard Nixon, and now their fascination is Donald Trump. The media are using all the tools they can to try and destroy Trump, but so far they have failed. Also, Enes Freedom calls in to explain that Hamas' horror on October 7th had nothing to do with true Islam. The Prophet Muhamma