Mark Levin Audio Rewind

Mark Levin Audio Rewind - 11/16/23



On Thursday’s Mark Levin Show, Hamas and other terrorist organizations are terrorists because they do not care about the Geneva Convention and use their own civilians as human shields. If Palestine is a prison state like the Democrats claim, then Hamas is the warden. This is not about a two-state solution or statehood, it is about caliphates because Hamas does not intend to be limited to the Gaza Strip. None of these terrorist organizations are satisfied with a sovereign country because they want to control the entire world. The Biden administration is spreading money all over the Middle East in search of a fiction, re-arming and funding our enemies while setting the stage for World War 3. At the same time, we have anti-Semitism at an all-time high in America, with pro-Israel protesters being attacked in the streets by Hamas supporters. Also, the Democrat party has been the breeding ground of anti-American hate for a long time. It thrives off of and strategizes around turning one group of Americans against an