Mark Levin Audio Rewind

Mark Levin Audio Rewind - 11/7/23



On Tuesday’s Mark Levin Show, when you are attacked by an enemy that wants to destroy you, your number one priority must be to defend yourself no matter what President Biden says about a humanitarian pause. The Biden administration is pushing for the ouster of PM Benjamin Netanyahu in Israel through their usual outlets in the Democrat media. Biden is intentionally leaving our southern border wide open allowing for hundreds of thousands of Americans to be killed by fentanyl. Biden has no intention of keeping us secure and doing this to your own country is a high crime and worthy of impeachment. The Democrat party is a party without a soul, principle, or morality, and are now calling for Netanyahu to resign for being weak when it is Biden who is weak and should be impeached. Biden is the worst president in American history, causing wars around the world, causing harm and death in our own country, and left citizens behind in Afghanistan. Also, Joe Biden’s family members are representing foreign entities under FA