Mark Levin Audio Rewind

Mark Levin Audio Rewind - 10/25/23



On Wednesday’s Mark Levin Show, the Biden administration is in a full-court lie about everything that is taking place in the Middle East, and the American media is giving cover for it. 500 Hamas soldiers were trained in Iran, and the Biden administration continues to deny any direct link between Iran and Hamas which is very problematic. President Biden is sabotaging Israel and America by intentionally creating this situation in the Middle East, and the American public is being lied to and misled by our own government. Biden is a disastrous commander-in-chief not just in our country but in Israel as well and is working with our European allies to pressure Israel not to fight the kind of war they must fight to prevent future terrorist attacks from Hamas. We've gone from unimaginable peace under President Trump and his foreign policy of peace through strength, to horrific terrorism and war under Biden's policy of appeasement and worse; financial support for our enemies. The Biden regime is populated with America