Mark Levin Audio Rewind

Mark Levin Audio Rewind - 10/17/23



On Tuesday’s Mark Levin Show, CNN has breaking news, “Hundreds likely dead in Gaza hospital blast, as Israeli blockade cripples medical response.” 99% of that CNN article is a lie. Now we know what moves the media. An allegation from Hamas that Israel blew up a hospital in Gaza, even though Israel does not target hospitals and is well aware of the outcry if it did target a hospital. The media must be disappointed. They now say the pressure is on Israel to do something. Now, Israel is responsible for an Islamic Jihad missile that hit a hospital in Gaza! But the fact that the media regurgitate the lies of terrorists and are poised to condemn Israel at virtually every turn is unconscionable. But we do know who committed atrocities against Jews, including babies in their cribs, burned people alive, decapitated people, and all the rest. Hamas Nazis videotaped it all, and the forensic medical examiners have revealed even worse. If the Hamas Nazis had committed their atrocities against babies and others in a hospita