Mark Levin Audio Rewind

Mark Levin Audio Rewind - 10/9/23



On Monday’s Mark Levin Show, President Biden re-armed Iran, Hamas Nazi terrorist groups, and the Palestinian terrorists in every way possible. We’ve gone from peace in the Middle East under President Trump, back to President Obama’s policy which was to weaken Israel and empower Iran. When you are fighting evil over and over again at some point you must destroy it before it destroys you. Weeks ago Israel and Saudi Arabia were close to a peace deal that would have changed the Middle East forever. But Biden and 20 senators said no - not unless Israel gave land to Palestine. Biden was already in the midst of sabotaging what would have been an incredible deal. If someone wanted to destroy Israel, they would fund Iran and undermine the Israeli government. They would do exactly what the Biden administration is doing. Also, Gen Keith Kellogg calls in and explains how the Biden administration is selling Israel down the river. Biden needs to put fear in the leaders of Hamas, and Hezbollah and say we are coming for you,