Mark Levin Audio Rewind

Mark Levin Audio Rewind - 10/2/23



On Monday’s Mark Levin Show, how many of you would sit down and cut a deal with progressive Marxist Democrats in the House? They are economic socialists who reject everything we believe in and Rep Matt Gaetz voted with them. On Friday, Rep Byron Donalds put up a bill to cut 30% of all Federal agencies and it would have secured the border with mandates. There was a strategy developed between Conservatives in the House and the Senate. The plan was to get it passed in the House, then the Senate could use it to have leverage over Sen Mitch McConnell. But the bill was killed by Gaetz, who voted with Democrats and the progressive caucus. Now the government is open for 45 days and nothing is cut and the spending continues. President Biden, Chuck Schumer, Mitch McConnell, and Hakeem Jeffries got their way because they ran circles around Gaetz. Later, Rep Nicole Malliotakis calls in to discuss a resolution she introduced to expel or censure Rep Jamaal Bowman from the House over pulling a fire alarm at the Capitol buil