Mark Levin Audio Rewind

Mark Levin Audio Rewind - 9/22/23



On Friday’s Mark Levin Show, New Jersey Senator Bob Menendez and his wife are being indicted for bribery, and they are being treated very differently than Hunter Biden or Donald Trump. Where is all the money that Hunter Biden received from Communist China, and why haven’t there been any search warrants issued to look into it? The resources and attention being paid to the Biden Crime Family is virtually none, despite the Biden situation making the Menendez situation look like small potatoes. Meanwhile, Donald Trump was subject to an FBI raid over a general warrant in a documents case, even though there were much more civil options available. Hunter Biden is the main witness against Joe Biden for his corruption, which is why Hunter matters and why Joe would want to pardon him if convicted. Also, the 5 Republican saboteurs in the House of Representatives are going to force a government shutdown for no good reason, while at the same time, the Republican minority in the Senate is working with the majority in the S