Mark Levin Audio Rewind

Mark Levin Audio Rewind - 9/18/23



On Monday’s Mark Levin Show, we currently have a president and an attorney general who are clearly going after their political opponents, whether it is pro-life protesters or parents at school board hearings, and we have had the greatest widespread institution of censorship under the Biden Administration. Despite this, the Democrat media continues to attack Donald Trump over January 6th and assume he will appoint an attorney general to attack political opponents, which is exactly what Joe Biden has already done. Also, United Auto Workers president Shawn Fain is leading one of the greatest shakedowns in American history, pushing for a 4-day work week on top of a 40% pay increase, and is using Marxist tactics and language to do it. None of this will benefit the workers or more importantly Americans, but only benefit the union. Next, what’s going on in our cities are not natural disasters, but instead Democrat party manmade disasters. Two teenagers in Las Vegas stole a car and deliberately killed a retired Calif