Mark Levin Audio Rewind

Mark Levin Audio Rewind - 5/31/22



On Tuesday's Mark Levin Show, America continues to limp toward tyranny as a lawyer presents an open and shut case to a jury that was not objective and comprised of a few donors to the Hillary Clinton campaign and other ties to the judge. What America witnessed today, with the Michael Sussman not guilty verdict, was jury nullification. The testimony presented by John Durham was clearly overwhelming, yet the jury felt it didn't meet the standard of guilty beyond a shadow of a doubt. This is a big deal. Then, the U.S Marshal investigating the Supreme Court leak is now requesting employee phone records, but unlike like January 6 detainees this is not part of a grand jury investigation. However, Nancy Pelosi's select committee will offer all its discovery to the Department of Justice for a criminal investigation seeking to indict former President Trump on whatever bogus charge they can make stick. No committee of Congress has the authority to conduct research for a criminal investigation, yet they are doing it. Th