Mark Levin Audio Rewind

Mark Levin Audio Rewind - 5/27/22



On Friday's Mark Levin Show, the Supreme Court, the NRA, the second amendment, baby formula manufacturers, are the media's scapegoats. They create enemies instead of tackling the actual issues. So, when there's a school shooting, they blame guns, and the Constitution instead of the killer. When baby formula runs out because the government shuttered factories, they blame the company instead of the bureaucrats. It's all the fault of the white dominant culture. Society is withering because of their attack on the nuclear family and yet they will blame the definition of the family. Then, the left claims that conservatives deny that guns are the problem citing that no other industrialized nation has the amount of "gun violence" that the U.S has. But they fail to acknowledge that young people in the U.S have had rifles since the beginning of this nation. They fail to look at the actual issues that have spawned mass murderers who choose schools as targets. The left's inability to see outside of their own narrow polit