Mark Levin Audio Rewind

Mark Levin Audio Rewind - 5/6/22



On Friday’s Mark Levin Show, former Defense Secretary Mark Esper has written a 'tell-all' book that is essentially a written account of his quasi-coup on President Trump. The book's excerpts were published by The New York Times as factual accounts and depicted Trump's policies as reckless. Esper publicly criticized Trump's inquiry to use the Insurrection Act of 1807 to quell violence during the riots in the summer of 2020. This type of usurpation and sabotage prevents any form of confidentiality from existing in White House communications. This is the same type of damage done by the leaker of Justice Alito's draft of the Roe V. Wade opinion. Our government cannot function when one's own subordinates are undermining any type of confidential conversation one might have. This is why Congress passed the Freedom of Information Act and exempted themselves from it. Then, to debate about abortion isn't about a women's body, it's about a human being an innocent, defenseless baby who cannot benefit from all of our laws