Mark Levin Audio Rewind

Mark Levin Audio Rewind - 4/29/22



On Friday's Mark Levin Show, free speech is an unalienable right so the founders insisted on it or there wouldn't be a country or a Constitution. Now the government wants to limit our speech through the Department Homeland Security. Notice the silence of the left within the media; it's only the conservatives that are challenging the 'Disinformation Governance Board.' This has happened before, when President Adams overstepped and similarly when Woodrow Wilson's CPI shaped press coverage over the war. The people surrounding President Biden know that historically Democrats have used the power of the media to silence their opponents. This will devour parents and anyone who opposes the establishment; Americans must stop this all-out totalitarianism civilly and responsibly. Then, a new Alabama law prevents the use of gender-affirming medications for minors and the Department of Justice has intervened to overturn the law so that minors could access the sex-change hormones and puberty-blockers. Gov. DeSantis says thi