Mark Levin Audio Rewind

Mark Levin Audio Rewind - 4/26/22



On Tuesday's Mark Levin Show, a cover-up and obstruction is going on right now to protect President Joe Biden. How can the Biden Crime Family get away with no Special Counsel looking into everything they are accused of and involved with? Yet, Donald Trump and his family have been investigated at every level. Trump is the most investigated man alive and has been found to be innocent each time he is accused and trashed in the media. However, U.S Attorney General Merrick Garland has no intention of appointing a Special Counsel to investigate President Biden's involvement. Then, a long list of U.S presidents knew that many former Soviet States was attacked and devoured by Stalin years ago. Yet, the Putin wing of the Republican Party asininely argues that their once shared heritage as one-time Soviets somehow makes a difference when they are invaded and occupied by modern-day Russia. It does not! Later, two former Trump national security professionals called Putin's attack on Ukraine unjustifiable. They also said