Mark Levin Audio Rewind

Mark Levin Audio Rewind - 4/25/22



On Monday’s Mark Levin Show, Elon Musk has succeeded in buying Twitter to take the company private, make its algorithms open-sourced, and ensure free speech on the platform. Thanks to this new ownership this program has begun Tweeting again. Free speech is a God-given human right, it's not the social engineering that the left is used to. Plus, the left within the media is blaming Gov. Ron DeSantis for interfering with the private sector, but the private sector (Disney) was interfering with a law passed by the legislature and signed by the Governor. The media immediately turns to false bi-naryism to paint the future of Twitter as a hate-filled dystopia with no content moderation because of free speech. Later, former president Trump was held in contempt of court by a judge and NY Attorney General Letitia James requested daily fines of $10K per day until Trump produces documents (that are not in his possession). Afterward, U.S Army National Guardsman Bishop Evans is dead today for doing the job that President Bi