Mark Levin Audio Rewind

Mark Levin Audio Rewind - 4/18/22



On Monday's Mark Levin Show, it was revealed that several terrorists from the watchlist have entered the United States undetected through our southern border. President Biden and the left don't care about human life, they just want to control it. While they claim to care about human life their policies on abortion, national security, and science prove the contrary. Then, this program has been influential in raising awareness for issues and candidates that matter to America, unlike Sen. Minority Leader Mitch McConnell who stands with RINO's and the teacher's unions that are promoting the teaching of transgenderism in your child's classroom. McConnell raises hundreds of millions of dollars to back candidates that will support him and his leadership perch, not the issues that matter to the people of this great country. Later, nationalism in the context of governing was rejected by the founders as they embraced Americanism. Patriotism is not nationalism. Failure to observe and adhere to Constitutionalism risks th