Mark Levin Audio Rewind

Mark Levin Audio Rewind - 4/6/22



On Wednesday's Mark Levin Show, what's going on in Ukraine is a disgrace. The pro-Putin wing represents very few and despite their war aversions, Russia is waging war, nonetheless. Ukraine can contain this slaughter if only given some fighter jets and surface-to-air missiles. Feckless President Joe Biden ignores their plight and is nothing more than a modern-day Tokyo Rose. Then, bullies only understand and respond to strength. If you get hit, you hit back twice as hard. Mass murderers must be confronted. Separately, this program has called for a special counsel to investigate the Biden Crime family for quite some time and now others in the media are too. Later, D.C Judge Trevor McFadden acquitted one of the January 6th defendants on all charges, explaining that the defendant was only allowed into the Capitol building because he was waved in by the Capitol Police. Afterward, new developments in the Durham probe show that Hillary Clinton's lawyer spread lies to the federal government while claiming he wasn't r