Mark Levin Audio Rewind

Mark Levin Audio Rewind - 3/30/22



On Wednesday’s Mark Levin show, Russia is still bombing Ukraine, and the media's barely covering it. Moscow is working with Iran to circumvent sanctions from the west. China is playing the long game and will eventually help Russia. Ukraine needs help that it's not getting, and President Biden is allegedly pressuring Zelenskyy to surrender in the name of peace. Then, schools continue injecting 'gender inclusion' into first-grade classrooms. This poisonous imposition of ideology is a grotesque abuse of children. Polls show that parents reject these policies. Meanwhile, Hunter Biden is a fall guy for his father, and he is under intense criminal investigation. This is why the media is now corroborating the laptop story. Isn't it important to know if a candidate or president is corrupt or compromised by a foreign regime? Later, Ian Prior from America First Legal Foundation ( calls in to explain how parents have rights under federal law to inspect the curriculum. Afterward, NCAA Coach Bruce Pearl from A