Mark Levin Audio Rewind

Mark Levin Audio Rewind - 3/16/22



On Wednesday's Mark Levin Show, more people are now calling for the assassination of war criminal Vladimir Putin and perhaps one of his countrymen will rise to the challenge. There is still opposition to providing the Ukrainians with MIG-29 fighter jets. Air cover is important because it provides the necessary speed to back up troops on the ground. But, until President Biden does more, the Ukrainians will continue to get slaughtered. Then, the blame game is on, and fuel companies are the targets. Reducing the price of oil is as simple as increasing the supply. The federal government has taken trillions of dollars in wealth from the people as they have spent drunkenly and leveraged the future of our children and future generations. Yet they always focus their criticism on big oil and never on big government, the big teacher's unions, or the big climate industry (electric cars). Later, Biden hasn't united NATO, he's following them. His focus should be on deterrence, peace through strength. Biden should be armin