Mark Levin Audio Rewind

Mark Levin Audio Rewind - 3/14/22



On Monday's Mark Levin Show, there have always been American enemies, but we've never seen our enemies treated as well as they are treated by President Biden. Even before they were invaded, Ukraine requested harpoon missiles from the Biden Administration and these supplies never materialized. Biden is a liar who lacks the temperament that is necessary to effectively lead our nation. Then, irrespective of the invasion of Ukraine one interview that all of the mainstream media will air is their interview with former Attorney General Bill Barr to trash Trump. This is a shameless distraction from an individual that was once respected by this program. Barr now happily sits for interviews with hosts and networks that once decreed him as long as he's trashing Trump. Later, isolationism in the face of growing totalitarianism isn't something we can hide behind. Biden being an isolationist make him more dangerous than FDR. Now the U.S is allowing Putin to decide what weapons can or can't be used on the battlefield. Puti