Mark Levin Audio Rewind

Mark Levin Audio Rewind - 3/11/22



On Friday's Mark Levin Show, Putin is now deciding what can and cannot be used on the battlefield. Specifically, regarding the MIG-29's the Pentagon says Ukraine doesn't need them because they won't be beneficial. Isn't it Ukraine that knows exactly what it needs and decides what's beneficial for their survival? Interestingly, when Trump was president, he was undermined by the Pentagon, by the FBI, and these same characters are covering for Biden's interference in the transfer of older U.S fighter jets to Poland so that Poland could donate MIG-29 jets to Ukraine. This program suspected that it was Biden that sabotaged this and today we know that he did. Then, World War III has begun, and the question is whether or not we can contain it and truncate it quickly. Will we use the deterrence of 'peace through strength' or continue to display weakness? Putin has created an axis of global states in alignment against the United States and with nuclear weapons pointed at our country. All who claim to be 'America First