Mark Levin Audio Rewind

Mark Levin Audio Rewind - 3/7/22



On Monday's Mark Levin Show, will Putin stop his onslaught on Ukraine? Russia has sent hit squads like the Wagner Group and mercenaries from Chechnya to take out Zelensky. President Biden's weakness got us here and "peace through strength" will get us out. The U.S is now considering offering Poland a swap of F-29 fighter jets so they can donate some of their Mig fighter planes to the Ukrainians. The U.S can't afford to ignore Putin's aggression. Then, a dark money group is attacking Trump-affiliated lawyers by going after their ability to earn a living. In true totalitarian fashion, the 65 Project will file lawsuits and air commercials to shame prevent attorneys from engaging in lawsuits that challenge voting results over election integrity. Later, Progressives continue their attack on America's founding documents, suggesting that we need a new document since the one we have is racist. Pushing their agenda to eliminate states' rights on issues related to healthcare, gun rights, and policing. Learn more about