Mark Levin Audio Rewind

Mark Levin Audio Rewind - 3/3/22



On Thursday's Mark Levin Show, there are Putin apologists or American Fascists among us that support the pulverization of Ukraine by Russia. No one wants to send your kids off to war; we have an all-volunteer military and no one has been drafted to serve. It's obvious that the Ukrainians want to fight but don't have the weapons to do it. Then, a Rabbi in Ukraine calls in to describe his efforts to evacuate Ukrainian Citizens including a 36-hour train ride to escape the region. The Ukrainian Rabbi added that the Russian soldiers and mercenaries from Chechnya were shooting indiscriminately and were hitting civilian establishments since people are shut in with no food, water, or electricity. His colleague Rabbi Cohen from the U.S added that he's received hearsay accounts of famished Russian soldiers assaulting women in their homes as they search for food. Later, Robert Malley has capitulated to Iran in negotiations leading to several members of the US negotiation team in Vienna to resign after Malley has lifted