Mark Levin Audio Rewind

Mark Levin Audio Rewind - 2/25/22



On Friday's Mark Levin Show, Vladimir Putin is a genocidal thug. This program has been clear in explaining why Ukraine is important to America and how specious Russia's claims are.  Despite the minimal support Ukraine has received, their gutsy president and cabinet have remained steadfast in their defense. It's appalling to call yourself a conservative and support Putin. Lamentably, there is a fifth column within the conservative movement who supports Putin, who has clearly declared the U.S as an enemy. Some of them claim to be 'America First', yet none of this occurred during Trump's presidency. Putin has always wanted Ukraine and he's admitted to it. Then, President Biden has placed more sanctions on the American energy industry than he has on Russia's energy industry. The courageous stories of Ukrainians preparing to defend their homes and neighborhoods with homemade Molotov cocktails, rifles, and pistols matter because what happens in Ukraine matters. Churchill once said if the enemy is taking you down, t