Mark Levin Audio Rewind

Mark Levin Audio Rewind - 2/18/22



On Friday's Mark Levin Show, we must defend our borders and the borders of our allies when needed. This isn't peace through strength, it’s weakness through appeasement. The level of incompetence coming from this White House is astounding. Our eastern European allies are concerned about Russia invading Ukraine. Ukraine needed missiles and other artillery to defend against Russia back in March, but President Biden didn't deliver. China is watching and waiting to invade Taiwan. Then, the Canadian police should join the freedom protestors and stand up for liberty and against the Canadian government's tyranny. The hard-left Democrat party is a force for bad and needs to be crushed. It was the Democrats that shut churches and schools during the pandemic but kept the abortion clinics open. The fossilized Republican leadership must be replaced if the republic is to survive. Later, Sen. Ron Johnson joins the show to discuss the greatest political scandal in American History when Hillary Clinton's campaign lawyer engag