Mark Levin Audio Rewind

Mark Levin Audio Rewind - 2/10/22



On Thursday's Mark Levin Show, the Democrat Party crush the American attitude and zap the American Spirit. As pointed out by Robert Spencer, and admitted by the Democrats themselves, their whole push against Donald Trump is to prevent Trump from ever holding public office again. This is a dirty trick from Democrat legal Svengalis to use an old law that was used to keep Confederates from ever holding office after the Civil War to smear and stop their political opponents. This is a war against the psyche of Americans. Then, Sen. Mitch McConnell interferes in Republican primary elections to surround himself with candidates to empower his own position, not the nation's, not the Senates, and not the Republican Party's. America goes nowhere with Mitch McConnell. Later, author Julie Kelly calls in to discuss today's bombshell update in the January 6th court saga. It was revealed by the judge that the whereabouts of then-Vice President-Elect Kamala Harris were misrepresented by the government in their filings. It tur